I've decided to live in the state of Forgiveness, Love and Mercy. That means that to receive forgiveness, love and mercy, I MUST give it. It is not a "pick and choose" thing. I can't decide to hold a grudge (unforgiveness) against someone because they have hurt me and haven't suffered long enough or haven't properly asked forgiveness or been repentant, and then expect to live in the state of Mercy. No, to receive mercy, you must give it, to all. You either live in the state of Mercy or you don't, you can't have it both ways. So, I must have mercy and forgiveness towards those I don't think deserve it. Period.
The same principle applies with Love. If I am not loving towards those who don't deserve it or who are unlovable, I am not living in the state of Love. I believe that Forgiveness, Mercy and Love are not only actions, they are states of being. I can't receive love unless I give it, or mercy or grace or forgiveness. The Bible says that I will reap what I sow. Not only the type of crop (wheat, corn, etc.) but the quality and quantity. If I sow only a few bits of love or sow it grudgingly, I will only reap a poor quality and quantity of love. So if you or I am not getting the love, mercy and forgiveness of people we wish for, we must ask ourselves, "what have I been sowing?"
What about other areas of my life? Respect? Honor? Generosity? What have I sown? It is something to ponder.
So, right now, I choose to sow a bountiful crop of mercy, grace, love and forgiveness. I can't wait for the harvest!
2 Cor. 9:6 - Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.