Why Remember?

The reason behind this blog is for us to write down, for all to see, what the Lord has done for us. By recalling and testifying of His goodness and answered pray, we open up the way for more of His blessings.
Please comment and share your stories and testimonies in response to what you read.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Miscellaneous ramblings from my harried brain -

I think I need to stop using the word "worship" when I really mean "adore". You can worship God without adoring Him, but you can't adore without worship. To worship something or someone is only an acknowledgement of their superiority or authority by bowing down. It doesn't say anything about the heart or attitude. Ah, but to adore...one dictionary says "To regard (To hold in esteem or respect) with deep, often rapturous love." Now that's what I want to do when I worship the Lord.

Sometimes I judge someone or something and give myself a pass by calling it "my opinion". The word "judge" means: To form an opinion or evaluation. And one who judges: One who makes estimates as to worth, quality, or fitness.

Opinion means: A judgment or estimation of the merit of a person or thing.

Hmmm...sounds pretty much the same doesn't it? I can like or not like something or someone, but I shouldn't pass judgement on it's or their worthiness or righteousness. Here's an example: "I don't like her hairstyle" verses "That hairstyle makes her look awful." Or how about and example with a person "I don't think what she is doing is pleasing to the Lord." verses "She is an adulterer and needs to repent." (Ok, the last one is a little close to home! ;))

I, too often, judge or give my "opinion". Here is a list of usuals:

That hairstyle makes her nose look so big!

She is ruining her children's life!

He needs to lose weight.

She should get a facelift.

That perfume she is wearing is awful.

His glasses don't flatter him at all!

She shouldn't wear sleeveless with her arms!

He doesn't deserve respect after what he's done!

She can't expect a relationship with me after her awful behavior!

That outfit is hideous!!

Well, I could go on and on. But, thankfully I won't.

I am so thankful and grateful that it is God's judgement that will prevail and not mine (or even yours). Because He judges with righteous judgement, which means through the blood of Christ!

2 Cor. 9:12 - Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! (His grace!!)