Why Remember?

The reason behind this blog is for us to write down, for all to see, what the Lord has done for us. By recalling and testifying of His goodness and answered pray, we open up the way for more of His blessings.
Please comment and share your stories and testimonies in response to what you read.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Years ago I decided to be deliberate in my thankfulness to God. What that did was open my eyes to see more of God's goodness and favor. I think when we acknowledge the Lord and the good He's done for us, He piles on more!

I was reading a blog from Gregory Dickow, and he talked about how we limit God when we forget about what He's done for us. So I thought I'd take a few minutes to thank God for some of the everyday miracles in my life. My sister did this last week, and it really blessed and inspired me when I read her list. I hope this will bless you, too.

1. I can breathe - Last night I had a dream that I couldn't breathe, so I am thankful this morning that I can.

2. I can walk - Ten years ago I injured my feet, and they didn't have the strength to hold me up for very long. Now they work great!

3. My husband - I am thankful 1) that he doesn't mind doing errands (which I hate to do); 2) he makes me coffee every morning; 3) that he made it possible for me to stay home and raise our children; 4) that he's handsome! We have definitely had serious problems in the past, but with the Grace of God, we've made it for almost 33 years.

4. My children love the Lord - This is a major praise in my life. Both of my kids have had very rebellious pasts. My son should have died many times (drugs, cancer and more) but God spared him. How could I not be thankful since I have the best children around?!

5. My children have great spouses - I thank God on a daily basis for spouses that love my children and even like them too - most of the time! I have the best there is! My daughter had a horrible first marriage, and it was so painful for me to watch her hurt. Now she is so happy! Yeah God! So, thanks Wendy and Bret for loving my children so well.

6. I have good friends I can count on - We have a great small group of the most loving and loyal people. Members of the group not only pray for each other, they have given sacrificially to each other. One couple, who had major financial problems in the past, was given a large gift by another couple in the group. In turn, they gave to another couple's children when it was desperately needed. If someone leaves our church, they still come to our group and are welcome. We can share anything and not feel judged. Now that is real Church!

7. I have an extended family that will be there no matter what - Over the years, we have all lived with each other when our fortunes were down and still mostly like each other. We may fight occasionally, but I know that when times are tough, they will be there for me and will rejoice with me when times are good.

8. My parents loved me and loved God - This is the foundation of who I am. I know so many people who didn't have parents who loved them or who didn't raise them to know the Lord, and they are envious of me for my great parents and family. I’m almost jealous of myself!

9. I have an adorable and healthy granddaughter – Delaney is a miracle and the light of my life. Read my “Sometimes I forget” blog entry to see why.

I am thankful for all the little things that make my life good. I thank God, out loud, for the parts of my body that work – eyes, bladder (don't take it for granted - think of the alternative!), fingers to type this blog, brain, etc.

I don't want to limit God by being ungrateful or forgetting all He's done. I want all the blessings He has for me! So if you hear me say, "Thank you, Lord, for my bladder," just smile and say "Amen."

Ps. 78:41, 42
Yes, again and again they tempted God and limited the Holy One of Israel.
They forgot about His power and how He rescued them from their enemies. They did not remember His power.

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