Why Remember?

The reason behind this blog is for us to write down, for all to see, what the Lord has done for us. By recalling and testifying of His goodness and answered pray, we open up the way for more of His blessings.
Please comment and share your stories and testimonies in response to what you read.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Looking Back to look ahead

I would like to start the new year out, not by looking ahead, but looking behind. I want to remember some of the times when the Lord heard my cries, and answered. I want to muse about the goodness shown, not about my yet, unfulfilled promises.

I first think about the little girl who asked God for money for camp and He supplied. Not a big deal, but it set the foundation for my belief that God does hear and answer prayer. I think about the time God rescued me from being raped or worse when I was 15 in Salem, OR.; The many times I didn't even have enough sense to know what kind of danger I was in, but He rescued me anyway (I know my parents were praying, thanks Mom and Dad); About the strength He has given me over the many years of my first marriage, to carry on in spite of a broken heart and deep loneliness. How He was my resting place and gave me hope and life in spite of it all; How God rescued my son, many more times than I know, from death and destruction. He has had His hand on Ty for all his life. First rescuing Tyler from drugs, than cancer. In their place, giving him a wonderful wife and an adorable daughter; How God had protected my daughter Katy, like He did me, from dangerous situations where she should have had harm come to her, but didn't. How the Lord rescued her from an emotionally abusive first marriage, giving her back her hopeful spirit. Not letting it be crushed beyond repair. Bringing her beauty for ashes in the form of a loving husband and beautiful son; How my Lord has brought me a love that I prayed for, not knowing what form it would take, but knowing how faithful God is, He answered my cries. God gave me a wonderful loving husband who adores me, and whom I adore. I now rise in joy and lie down in peace. God is good!

All this to say, you can only access the many blessings God has in store for you, by remembering, acknowledging and thanking Him for what He has already done.

I thought about the former days, the years of long ago;...I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds.

Ps. 77:5;11,12.

Praise you Lord God Almighty for your many gifts, especially for your son Jesus!

Happy and Blessed New Year to you all!


adoptionsforall said...

Thanks for the reminder to stop and remember God's provision and protection over our years.

Anonymous said...

Your new wonderful husband came at a steep price, causing a tidal wave of destruction that will affect generations to come. The ends will never justify the means. Galatians 6:7 (ESV) Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.